miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Sistema Circulatorio

Los chicos de 7mo grado se deividieron en grupos para trabajar en la investigación de los sistemas del cuerpo humano.
Y para compartir con sus compañeros su investigación hicieron una presentación digital en Power Point.
Esta es la presentacion del Sistemaq Circulatorio
Prof. Graciela Fernández

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

Feliz Día

Les deseo que pasen un hermoso día
Prof. Graciela Fernández

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia, in southwest Greece. The Games were part of a religious festival. The Greek Olympics, thought to have begun in 776 BC, inspired the modern Olympic Games (begun in 1896) The Games were held in honour of Zeus, king of the gods, and were staged every four years at Olympia, a valley near a city called Elis. People from all over the Greek world came to watch and take part.